Monthly minimum of $30.00 whether water is used or not.
1000 gallons to 9000 gallons used monthly is $3.50 per thousand
1000 33.50
2000 37.00
3000 40.50
4000 44.00
5000 47.50
6000 51.00
7000 54.50
8000 58.00
9000 61.50
10000 gallons to 19000 gallons used monthly is $4.00 per thousand
10000 65.00
11000 69.00
12000 73.00
13000 77.00
14000 81.00
15000 85.00
16000 89.00
17000 93.00
18000 97.00
19000 101.00
20000 gallons and above used monthly is $5.00 per thousand
20000 105.00
21000 110.00
22000 115.00
23000 120.00
24000 125.00
25000 130.00
30000 155.00
40000 205.00
50000 255.00
Each thousand gallons used adds $5.00 and so on.
Water Protection and Clean Water tax not included.
All accounts effective 10/1/2014 will show a $3.00 CIF or Capitol Improvement Fund charge: This charge will be to all customer for a 5 year period or when the board eliminates it. This will go toward building the Capitol Improvement Fund for future projects.