The 2025 Annual Meeting for the Geary County Rural Water District No.4 will be held March 5, 2025 at 7pm, located at the District office, 8425 Quarry Rd. Milford, KS 66514. There are three Board member position open for elections. All District customer are encouraged to attend.
Effective with February's Bills new rates will go into effect. To see the rates you can go to pull down screen customer service and then rates.
Due to the Holidays and now the weather the December 2024 water bills still have not been recieved by our customers. If you like you can call the office and leave a message and we will be happy to return you a message with what is due. Its hard to tell when mail will be delivered.
Due to the first Wednesday of January falling on the 1st. the monthly meeting will be moved to January 8, 2025, at 7pm at the District Office, 8425 Quarry Rd. Miford, KS 66514
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: The new Water Quality Report 2023-2024 is available at
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: As we all know our mail out here in the Districts area can be lacking at times. We are seeing an increase in the number of bills being recieved well after the due date of the 16th, that have been sent in the mail. Any bill that is recieved after the 16th is subject to a late charge. Your bill is not actually paid until the District recieves it, either by electronic means or USPS. We here at our office have no way of knowing when it was sent, if by mail. The District has made other options available such as pay by credit card, debit card, or check on line, or you can drop it off at the office in the deposit slip next to the garages. The District is in no way responsible for the service of the USPS. If something delays your payment in the mail, it is not in any way our responsiblity. All bills are due in our office by the end of the day on the 16th of each month. We have contacted MIlford and Junction City Post Office about these issue, to include the bills going out and you not getting them. We have asked everyone here on our website and on the back of the bills if you do not get it by the second week of the month, just call, leave message and someone will call you back with whats amount due.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: For the next month and possibly longer, Twin Valley Telephone is going to be boring their fiber optics into this area. Unfortunately everywhere they are installing the fiber, we have water lines. This may cause problems and damage to our water lines. We have done every thing we can to mitigate the problem, but every one needs to be prepared for water outages if lines are hit. Notice will be made to Ever Bridge, so if you have not signed up to that, it is the only way we notify of outages. There is a link on our website to sign up. Make sure you mark notices from Milford Rural Water.
The new Water Quality report for 2022-2023 is available online. Check under the News and Information pull down.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: If you have not recieved your bill by the SECOND WEEK of the month, PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE, leave a message and we will message you back with what is due. Our bills are sent out, to the customers, as near the 28th of each month, as possible.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: If you have not discovered yet, you are able to PAY BILLS ON LINE. This is not where you will have access to any account, you will make your payment through the State Program and they will notify us of the payment. You can pay with credit card, debit card, or check. We do not have ACH available.