19 May 2023

By-Law Change

Author: Clifford White  /  Categories: General News  / 

At the special meeting June 7, 2023 the following action occured.  Question #1, Did Not Pass or NO,  #2 Did Not Pass or NO, and #3 Did Pass or Yes.  The bylaws will be up dated to show Meeting will now be held of the 1st Wednesday of each Month.  If you have any question you may contact a board member or call 785 238-7299.

The District has called a special meeting to be held on June 7, 2023 at the District office, 8425 Quarry Rd., Milford, KS  66514, at 7 PM, for the purpose to vote on changes to the District By Laws.  Each person present, that is an owner of a benefit unit, may vote.  The proposed admendment must pass with at least 75% of the participating member present voting in the affirmative.  An explaination of the changes has been placed in the mail to each benefit owner in the District.  Also attached to this article are the proposed changes.




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