2 Feb 2021

Board Postpones 2021 Annual Meeting

Author: Clifford White  /  Categories: General News  / 

The Boaard for the District voted to postpone the 2021 Annual Meeting, until later.

See attached link to see resolution




RESOLUTION NO. ____01-21_____





                     WHEREAS, K.S.A. § 82a-626 and the By-Laws of the District establish an annual meeting to be held on or before April 1st of each year; and


                     WHEREAS, the government of the United States, the State of Kansas and various local governments have passed statutes, rules and orders on an emergency basis to limit the number of people who can attend meetings, or that establish social distancing rules that make it impossible to properly meet for the purposes of the annual meeting; and


                     WHEREAS, a state of disaster emergency was proclaimed for the State of Kansas on March 12, 2020, and such emergency declaration has been extended by the appropriate authorities since that time; and


                     WHEREAS, the requirement of an annual meeting of the participating members is legally impossible under Kansas law as the same creates a conflict between the requirements of the various emergency orders to limit meetings and the requirement to have an open annual meeting that would allow all participating members to attend.


                     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of Rural Water District #4 Geary Country, that the District hereby suspends the holding of its annual meeting due to the conflict between Kansas statutes and COVID emergency orders resulting in the legal impossibility of holding an open annual meeting according to the law. As provided by law, the terms of any rural water directors are extended until their successors are elected in a future meeting. This suspension shall remain in effect until such time as both of the following occur:


  1. Rescission, cancellation, failure to extend or other lapse of the state of disaster emergency proclaimed by the State of Kansas; and
  2. Rescission, cancellation, failure to extend or other lapse of any applicable county or city ordinances, resolutions or similar restrictions that prevent the lawful meeting of the participating members.


Upon release of these orders and restrictions, the District Board shall meet and schedule the annual meeting as soon as it is reasonably possible considering the requirements of notice to the participating members and other requirements of Kansas law.


                     ADOPTED by the Board of Directors on the __7__ day of _Januaary, 2021 by a majority vote of the Board.



                                          __________, Chairman






________________, Secretary






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