6 Mar 2018

New way to be notified when emergencies occur in the District

Author: Clifford White  /  Categories: General News  / 

A new source has been made available to the District to notify customers when we have an emergency.  The name of the program is called EVERBRIDGE.  This is being provided in conjuction with Geary County Emergency Management office.  If you sign up for the app then  when something occurs you can be notified by text, email, phone and other options. This app also includes other type of emergencies you can sign up for.  You can use the following link to sign up and follow instuctions on the Emergency Management website. 

We ask that everyone sign up for Everbridge. It has many more features and does not require a member of my staff to send out emails during the middle of the night when a watch is issued. It also allows notifications based on addresses that have been entered into the Everbridge system. This is extremely helpful in the event of a critical missing child, haz-mat spill or release, a dangerous person being wanted, or anything else that is time sensitive. You are able to enter your home address along with your work address as long as they are located in Geary County or one of the Northeast Kansas counties. Access to Everbridge is possible because of funding thru the Northeast Kansas Homeland Security Council.

In addition to signing up for the weather, you can sign up for the following notifications in Geary County:

Geary County Burns- anytime Geary County will not allow burning because of the wind and other weather conditions, a notice will be sent out.

Geary County Health Advisories- The Geary County Health Department will be able to issue alerts and notices on health related issues.

Geary County Information- This will include road closures or detours in the rural areas of Geary County, along with items that are county related.

Grandview Plaza Services- any information that needs to be released by the City of Grandview Plaza.

Junction City Traffic- This will include street closures or detours within the City Limits of Junction City.

Junction City Trash, Pools, etc- This will provide information concerning the different functions of the City.

Junction City Water Problems- Want to be informed where and when there is a water break?

Milford / Rural Water District - If you live in the City of Milford or Milford Township, you can be kept informed about services and information about the water service and water line breaks.


When signing up for the weather, you decide what alerts you wish to be notified about: warnings, watches, and advisories and what type of weather.


To sign up for Everbridge: You will need to go to the Geary County Emergency Management Website located at  

     http://ks-geary.manatron.com/Departments/EmergencyManagement/tabid/3714/Default.aspx or

google Geary County Emergency Management and scroll down to Emergency Notification Signup. You will notice that you can decide how you wish to be notified: by cell phone, text, email, or

regular phone; and in what order. If you do not answer or respond, it will go to the next notification that you picked.


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